A New Life in Seattle

A New Life in Seattle
August, 2018

Monday, July 6, 2015

Please Help! I'm Trapped on a Spaceship!

Oh, they feed me well. And they provide me with girls. Their DVD library contains 3000 titles. And the view from the window is pretty damned fine. For all that, I've begged pathetically for permission to return and and hang with untentacled people and--

Wait, you're not buying this, are you?

I've been remiss again, I know, exceptionally busy.

1 The first result is coming soon--just one week away. On July 11, you can expect a firery new round table chat, with two male and four female writers. entitled: La Dance Diabolique: A Red Hot Boogie Woogie. Subject: the challenging relationship between authors and their readers. The piece is close to completion, but I want it to be perfect.
2) I finished revising/proofing/jazzing the scanned copy of MonsterTime (formerly called Mastery). And this week I'm performing a final speed-check before sending the ms., off for formatting.
3) I've begun typing the second draft of my WIP, Caesar's Ghost.

That's it for today. My presence is required by my captors once again.

Image result for alien abduction images

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