A New Life in Seattle

A New Life in Seattle
August, 2018

Friday, May 10, 2013

Coming Soon : A Brand-New Blog Adventure!

Starting one day within the next week: A once-weekly true serial adventure on the subject of manifestation. Stay tuned.

A small miracle the other night, one that connected directly to a page I'd just read on the subject, convinced me that the time had come to put what I've learned to the test. Background: I've studied the subject for thirty-odd years and portrayed it in my book, THE VANISHING MAGIC OF SNOW. Can I prove, though, that The Secret, or manifestation, does work?

Believers and nonbelievers alike should find the chronicles amusing. Nothing heavy-handed. I'll describe as lightly as I can the results of my attempts to put my thoughts into action.

Chapter One will include: description of the miracle, my immediate goals and beginning actions--or moves upon the board.

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