My first new review has gone Live on Amazon.
Subject: a stunning little story by Rebecca Scarberry, entitled Rag Do..It's a quick but memorable read from a rising star. Have a look!
Now, then, the review:
It's always great to watch a terrific new talent at the start of his/her career. Rebecca Scarberry began with a novella (or, I'd say, a short novel) starring--you ready?--a pigeon. And the author turned some heads with her blend of YA/Mystery/Suspense/Humor. Now., for her follow-up, she's scaled back still further in length: a short story that can be read easily in a single sitting. Rag Doll tells a story of love, infidelity, betrayal and loss with great simplicity and power...then caps it off with a twist worthy of O. Henry. In scaling back, this author seized the chance to nail down the narrative basics, pacing and tone, before moving on to her first full-length novel.
I enjoyed this sprint immensely--and look forward to her first marathon run.
Have just had to do something for the first time: delete a comment. It seemed fine in Comment Moderation...but then I saw, on the blog, that it contained multiple airline flight links. There's a place for that--but, please, not here.